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DUGi: Llistar Títols | (dc.creator:"Page, T.J." OR dc.contributor:"Page, T.J." OR dc.contributor.other:"Page, T.J.") | 0 - 2

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out url icon Recercat Placing ecosystem services at the heart of urban water systems management Garcia Acosta, Xavier ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Comas Matas, Joaquim ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Hadjimichael, Antonia ; Page, T.J. ; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 setembre 2016 Placing ecosystem services at the heart of urban water systems management Garcia Acosta, Xavier ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Comas Matas, Joaquim ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Hadjimichael, Antonia ; Page, T.J. ; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç


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Warning: fopen(/dades/dugi/cache/befbc6d17eb9f3fd2f9e5164e2fc4d1f_.html) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Read-only file system in /dades/dugi/end_cache.php on line 2